Effective January 1 - If You Owe Taxes Your Passport May Be Revoked
A new law set to go into effect in January would deny or revoke passports for taxpayers who owe the U.S. government more than $50,000,...
Changing What Is No Longer In Season
My favorite part of any holiday season is decorating, but I cannot say that I get much joy when it is time to take things down and put...
Veterans Day and Every Day
Every day, but especially today on Veterans Day, I thank my father, John Juba, and all veterans and their families who have served (and...
New Company Announcement
Press Release - Monday, November 9, 2015 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
 Founder, Michele King, announces the formation of CoreHR Consulting,...
Is Your Workplace a Street Fair Celebration?
I recently ran across some photos that a retired employee shared with me last year that she had taken on a tour of Facebook's corporate...
New Crisis in the Work-Life Balance Concept
As we continue to hear about the families and friends being torn apart by the deceptive and manipulative seductions of Islamic State, it...